How to Feed your Dog

How to Feed your Dog

The dog’s ration and type of food depend on many factors such as its age, size, physical activity, general health, whether it is sterilized or not… and of course, its tastes! Thus, a small, tireless Jack Russell will not eat in the same way as a calmer Great Dane.

How to Feed your Dog:-

The complete guide:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

The different types of dog food and their advantages:-

If your four-legged friend is unique in your heart, he is also unique when it comes to feeding him.

The dog’s ration and type of food depend on many factors such as its age, size, physical activity, general health, whether it is sterilized or not… and of course, its tastes! Thus, a small, tireless Jack Russell will not eat in the same way as a calmer Great Dane.

By opting for household food, you create your dog’s bowls yourself by integrating meat, vegetables and starchy foods, as well as oil for example.

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

With so-called industrial food, you buy small dishes directly in the form of croquettes or pâtés . The latter has the advantage of being complete, without requiring specific knowledge in the matter. In all cases, it is advisable to target your dog’s needs by asking your veterinarian for advice.

Dry food:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

Dry food is one of the categories of so-called industrial food . If kibble is so popular, it’s no wonder! This form of dog food allows you to offer a complete and balanced meal, without spending hours in the kitchen.

If they are of quality, the kibbles contain enough to meet all your companion’s needs in proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. They adapt to their atypical profile, of a house dog or a competitive sprinter, and you generally do not have to worry about supplements – however, check with the advice of your veterinarian.

Thanks to the instructions on the package and the recommendations of an expert, you can easily choose the best kibble for your dog and determine the necessary ration. In addition, these keep very well, and are often more economical. They are also practical when the time comes to go on vacation with your companion.

Wet feeding:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

In the wet food section, you will generally find canned pâtés and freshness sachets. These products can constitute your dog’s unique type of food or complement kibble, for a mixed diet. They are therefore complete in terms of nutritional needs and remain practical, even if they keep for a shorter time, once the package is opened.

This type of dog food has the advantage of being more appetizing, a significant factor for doggies with picky tastes or senior dogs, who have a less sensitive sense of smell with age. In addition, wet food is richer in water, helping to hydrate your pet.

Food supplements:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

Food supplements address a deficiency. They are particularly useful as part of a household diet, despite the care you take to prepare balanced bowls, but not only that!

They can also be combined with dry or wet industrial food, depending on your dog’s state of health or life stage.

Problems that come with age, digestive problems, stress attacks, skin and hair lacking luster… your four-legged companion, like you, sometimes needs a cure.

Food supplements do not in any way replace medications and should be given on the advice of your veterinarian.

The sweets:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

It’s best not to slip appetizers or sweet treats to your dog under the table, even if it means resisting his soft eyes and pleading little face.

Also keep a close eye on your hosts who, although no doubt well-intentioned, would nevertheless give him a bad habit or worse, a toxic food like chocolate or dangerous food like bones!

You can, however, buy store-bought treats for your dog, to offer alongside his regular food. Feedeez, Zolux, Origéa, Purina Pro Plan… many brands offer them. Note that these little treats are given as a reward, to educate him while pleasing him.

Some also promote good oral hygiene.

What are the best dog food?

Low-cost vs. high-end kibble: what are the differences?

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

We generally differentiate between “low-end” and “mid-range” kibbles, which are found in supermarkets, and “high-end” kibbles, which are mainly purchased in pet stores. If your dog had to choose, with his little snout, he might turn to the former. However, while these can fully meet your needs, they generally contain more fat, artificial flavors and colorings, and less animal protein.

To be sure to offer complete nutrition to your companion, you can go for the “top of the range”, also called “premium”. Although the best dog food, from a nutritional point of view, is more expensive, you can still find your way around in terms of budget. In fact, they are more digestible, and you will give less to your pet who will be satisfied more quickly.

The best brands of dog food:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

By learning to read the label of a product, you will know which kibble to choose for your dog according to its size, age or personality. To go further, you can also inspect the composition either on the online product sheet or on the package packaging.

Many brands may be suitable for your pooch. Royal Canine , for example, offers a range of products depending on the breed of your companion. Hill’s Pet Nutrition, for its part, takes into account the life stage or a specific need of the dog, such as weight management. The Ekuel brand offers inexpensive dog food made in France, while contributing to the good health of your pet.

The benefits of grain-free kibble:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

By weighing the pros and cons, you can opt for kibble with or without cereals. The latter can be recommended in cases of high digestive sensitivity or food intolerance. Behind this formula, there is also a desire to get closer to the dog’s carnivorous diet. Many brands offer them. This is the case of Origéa in particular, but also of Edgar & Cooper, Nutro, Piccolo and even Canagan kibbles.

The ideal is to always seek advice from your veterinarian and, once again, take the time to analyze the composition of the product. Indeed, more than the “grain-free” mention, the important thing is to check the high percentage, as well as the origin, of animal proteins.

Changing kibble: good or bad idea?

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

A dog can very well eat the same kibble for a time that will seem, from a human point of view, interminable. Do not feel sorry for your little four-legged companion who, with this routine diet, can absolutely enjoy himself.

If, however, your dog shows signs of weariness or if a change in his state of health occurs, you can consider changing his food by seeking the advice of a veterinarian.

You will then need to gradually accustom your dog to his new diet, for example by mixing old and new kibble in his bowl throughout the first week. Neither seen nor known ! Your dog won’t sulk at his plate… and won’t scowl at you.

Which bowl to choose to feed your dog?

Accessory 1: the classic bowl:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

Single or double, the classic bowl sits on the ground. You can choose its capacity according to your companion’s rations.

For an active dog who tends to carry his meal all over the house, consider a non-slip or spill-proof bowl instead!

In plastic, stainless steel or even bamboo, more ecological, there are many styles of bowls.

Some are dishwasher safe, others have pretty designs. It’s up to you to find the one that suits your home.

Accessory 2: the bowl at its height:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

Short on legs or with a slender body: each dog will need a plate adapted to its size. Height-adjustable bowls will be ideal for a growing dog, while those on a stand may be suitable for a large dog.

Senior dogs will particularly appreciate this type of bowl so as not to bend over too much and thus relieve their spine and neck.

Certain bowls, revealing a slightly raised ergonomic design, will sometimes be a good compromise.

Accessory 3: the anti-glutton bowl:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

Does your dog gobble up his luxury kibble in one gulp, without taking the time to savor it? Eating more slowly means having better digestion, but also being satisfied more quickly.

Anti-gluttonous bowls are compartmentalized or contain “obstacles” that prevent your dog from gathering too many mouthfuls.

These bowls are recommended for animals prone to bloating, flatulence or vomiting. Your veterinarian may also recommend them to limit the risk of stomach dilatation-torsion, more common in large dogs.

Accessory 4: the food dispenser:-

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

While some dogs only need one meal per day, others will be served several rations per day. If you work all day, the automatic kibble dispenser will allow you to program your dog’s bowls so that he doesn’t miss anything and, above all, that he doesn’t change his routine.

Some kibble dispensers have an integrated scale, this is ideal! Your only mission: fill the tank before leaving, then return in time to cuddle your four-legged friend.

Other essential accessories?

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

Does your pet tear or spill its packet of kibble as soon as your back is turned?

Some brands, like Feedeez , offer very practical food containers for greedy and inpatient dogs. These large boxes will also allow you to dose the rations and keep the aroma of the kibble for longer.

Are you taking your Dachshund or Golden Retriever around the world?

For the occasion, there are specific silicone bowls, which unfold and fold in the blink of an eye. These also fit in your bag during a long walk, so your dog can quench his thirst as he pleases.

Some tips for feeding your dog well:-

Finally, you will also need to familiarize yourself with some basic rules to know how to feed your dog the right way, before choosing the bowl.

How to Feed your Dog
How to Feed your Dog

Meal frequency:-

Your veterinarian will be in the best position to establish the frequency of meals for your pet according to their profile.

You should know that a dog does not eat at the same time or in the same place as you. Prefer a quiet space, where he will not be interrupted.

Do not give him his food before or after a walk either, and always leave a bowl of fresh water available.

Excellent service:-

Your dog must be pampered (but not too much) in order to stay healthy. He must enjoy his little meals!

So, serve him his kibble or mash at room temperature so that he can smell the scent before tasting.

And if you have several doggies at home: everyone has their own bowl of course, and everyone has their own dining area!

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